A Powerlifter’s Guide to Making Weight

09/14/2007 Matthew Gary 0

The reality of competing in powerlifting is,that at some point in time, we all have to make weight. Making weight can make or break your lifting performance. For optimal performance a lifter should be at the very top of their respective weight division. If you compete at the lower end of a weight class, you are usually at a disadvantage compared to your heavier competitors. As a twelve-year veteran of powerlifting, I have had to Read More

Powerlifting Toward Wellness

08/26/2007 Matthew Gary 0

Current statistics report approximately 70% of all deaths in the United States are caused by cardiovascular disease and cancer. A sustained wellness program of compound exercises, combined with appropriate eating habits, can help prevent death from these causes. Exercise selection is the foundation of any strength training program. One question I’m frequently asked is, “What exercises do you recommend?” My stock reply is, “Choose a compound movement that targets the muscle groups you want to Read More

Top 10 Mistakes Novice Lifters Make

03/06/2007 Matthew Gary 0

Novice lifters make numerous mistakes that impair their overall performance. Fortunately most, if not all, of these mistakes are both avoidable and reparable. My wife and I are both active members of the USAPL (USA Powerlifting) as competitors, coaches, and national referees. Sioux-z was also recently voted to serve on the USAPL Women’s Committee, which is designed to promote, protect, and serve the interests of women’s powerlifting. Together we have 27 years of competitive powerlifting Read More

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