Dissecting the Deload

01/25/2018 Kevin Cann 0

Written by: Kevin Cann This is a question that I receive a lot from my lifters.  “Hey Kev, when do we get a deload?”  In most cases it is more of a joke than anything else.  However, I feel the need to explain the concepts of the deload in a Sheiko based program. Often times we see deloads put into a program every 3 to 8 weeks or so.  The time frame here can vary.  Read More

Why the Safety Squat Bar is Suboptimal for Raw Lifters

01/23/2018 Kevin Cann 0

The safety squat bar (SSB) is a barbell that has a camber at the end and a harness that sits on the shoulders in the middle. This is a very valuable bar to have in any gym, I am not arguing that. The harness makes it easier on the shoulders and elbows to load up a squat. This can come in handy with a field sport population, especially throwing athletes. However, I find it to Read More

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