In this VIDEO, I breakdown our top expenses for our 2021 USAPL Boynton Barbell Center Championship that we recently ran. This gives lifters an insight into where their money goes when they compete. In addition, if you’re interested in becoming a meet director, then this can give you an idea of the costs involved. The meet was a 2-day event with 66 lifters initially entered. Of those 66 lifters, 3 got a refund, 1 got a credit for next year, and 3 didn’t show up so we ended up having 59 lifters compete. The per entry numbers below are based on the initial 66 entries.
This doesn’t include any costs for the venue, competition equipment, storage, or truck rental because we don’t have any of those expenses for this gym meet. If a meet director has to purchase the competition equipment or pay for a venue, then the ranking of expenses will change some since those can be quite costly.
The number one expense was me, the meet director. I do charge to run these events and do try to make a profit. For this meet, I charge $30 per entry in order to run everything. In the past, I’ve done $15 per entry or even free for some gyms if they cover my expenses.
The number two expense was the meet t-shirts. About half the lifters ordered a t-shirt, but we also purchased additional ones for volunteers, sponsors, and for sale. They came out to about $9.07 per entry.
The number three expense was the drug tests. USA Powerlifting does drug test and we have to test a minimum of 10% of the competitors. This came out to about $7.49 per entry. A percentage of the cost is reimbursed by USA Powerlifting if everything was done correctly, but I listed the cost prior to that reimbursement.
The number four expense was the spotters. Aside from providing food and drinks, we try to pay our volunteers $10 per hour. So the cost of the spotters came out to $6.67 per entry.
And the number five expense was the referees. Like the spotters, we also pay our referees. This came out to be $5.38 per entry. These top five expenses combined to be $58.60 per entry. When looking at the top ten expenses combined, it comes out to $75.68 per entry. And when looking at the majority of expenses that are easily trackable, it comes out to about $85 per entry.
If you have any questions about the expenses outlined in the video or about running a USA Powerlifting meet, then you can comment below or email me.
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