Michael Davis: Quick Check In Before Sheffield!

Quick check in with Michael Davis the 105kg Powerlifting America national champion and IPF world’s silver medalist in 2022. Michael was 2.5 weeks out from Sheffield when we recorded this episode. We discussed his prep and goals for Sheffield, his battle with Emil Norling at IPF Worlds 2022, how he transitioned from equipped to raw powerlifting and a bunch of fun questions to help you get to know Michael a little better so you can cheer him on at all of his upcoming competitions.


The 2023 Sheffield Powerlifting Championships is the most important competition in powerlifting history with the largest prize fund in powerlifting history. Nine of the 24 athletes invited to Sheffield are from Powerlifting America. For more information and tickets please visit the SBD website here:


You can find Michael on Instagram here:



Thank you to our partners, SBD and Eleiko.


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About Mass-Lift 196 Articles
The mission of Mass-Lift Powerlifting is to promote drug-free powerlifting competitions, training seminars, and fitness events throughout the country. Overall, our goal is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle that will encourage strength and fitness enthusiasts to compete at local, national and international level.