How Important Is Meet Day Handling For Powerlifting?

02/03/2022 Arian Khamesi 0

In this video, I go over whether meet day handling is worth it for powerlifting competitions. This topic is based on a discussion we’ve had on The King of the Lifts podcast but I wanted to expand on it in a video as it depends on the lifter and situation. The lower the level of the meet is, the less competition there is in your division, and the more of a beginner competitor you’re, then Read More

6 Weeks of a Westside Template Program

Written by: Kevin Cann About a month ago I decided to switch up my training a bit.  I was getting burnt-out coaching.  I do not think people realize how difficult this can be sometimes.  You shoulder the burdens of an entire team.  This can weigh heavily on you at times. My training had been going poorly for quite some time up to this point and I knew I needed to make some adjustments to get some momentum back and Read More