Sheffield 2025 Recap Show!
All of the back stories, debates, key questions, biggest takeaways, controversies, and fallout. Hosted by Eric Helms, Rory Lynch, Amelia Potter & 6 Pack Lapadat
All of the back stories, debates, key questions, biggest takeaways, controversies, and fallout. Hosted by Eric Helms, Rory Lynch, Amelia Potter & 6 Pack Lapadat
Russel Orhii joins KOTL live in studio to discuss reclaiming the 83 kg World record, winning the battle of the 83s at Sheffield, the heat he took after his loss at Worlds, the comeback training, whether he will compete at US nationals & IPF Worlds, when he will move to the 93 kg class, and much more. Hosted by 6 Pack Lapadat
Agata Sitko joins KOTL to discuss her epic win at Sheffield, what weight class she will target at the next Worlds & Sheffield, and targeting Amanda Lawrence and the 84 kg title (which would be her third weight class World title by then). Karlina discusses her second place finish at Sheffield, upsetting the odds, her comeback, her future goals, and all the backstories. Hosted by 6 Pack Lapadat (live in studios)
The Men’s podium joins KOTL to discuss the back stories and battle. Kjell addresses the critics and pressures as well as his take on how the event unfolded. Gustav and Emil discuss their battle, rivalry, and what lays ahead with USA. Hosted by 6 Pack Lapadat (live in studio)
66 kg World record holder Kyota Ushiyama joins KOTL!
Jonathan Garcia, 2-times Worlds medalist, returns to KOTL to discuss his surprising take on the Worlds battle, whether Kasemsand is the undisputed Champion, Pana heading to Sheffield, Kjell joining the 66s, his thoughts on the 59s, and what awaits the division in 2025. Hosted by 6 Pack Lapadat
Complete breakdown of all the battles, back stories, and picks from the experts. Hosted by 6 Pack Lapadat, Amelia Potter and Eric Helms.
Complete breakdown of all the battles, back stories, and picks from the experts. Hosted by 6 Pack Lapadat, Rory Lynch, Matt Gary, Amelia Potter and Eric Helms.
Matt Gary, Eric Helms & 6 Pack Lapadat discuss Matt Gary leaving team USA to become head coach of team UK , Rondel Hunte coming back, who to watch in 2025, battles coming, and much more!
Cayco, the most decorated 93 kg lifter of all time returns to KOTL! He reveals all about why he stepped away and why he is coming back! Hosted by 6 Pack Lapadat