Joe Cappellino 7/30, 8/1& 8/2


This was what I did for week 4 of shieko master of sport.  I skipped the benches on Friday because I competed on sunday at the Pro Summerslam bench.  Summary of this weeks training… Squats and Benches were awesome and fast, Deadlifts were miserable.  The summerslam meet was great.  Myself, John Bogart and Titty were all taking out big weights but at the end I came out on top with a 744 bench to Bogarts 705.  I give him alot of credit because it is his first meet back and he is way lighter than he used to be.  It was a crazy rush lying down on a bench, underneath a big PR knowing that if you miss you lose and if you make it you win.  I dont usually do bench onlys so that was a new feeling for me.

I am skipping the day 4 of week 4 on shieko because the 744 bench really beat me up and to keep on schedule I need to start week 5.  I also dont see the need in doing deadlifts to knees with 600 lbs… which is what the day was calling for.  So tonight I will be doing some light squat and bench cruisers and then thursday is a raw “test day”.  It calls for 2-3 singles of 95-100% of each lift so I am just going to get after it.

About Joseph Cappellino 49 Articles
Joseph Cappellino, 25 years old, 6'2", 355 lbs.
Sponsored by Quest Nutrition
Occupation: Civil Engineer, EIT
Best Squat: 914 lbs
Best Bench: 733 lbs
Best Deadlift: 777 lbs
Best Singleply Total: 2409 lbs
Best Raw Total: 1862 lbs