9/27 Friday
I am getting back in gear next week, and have been hitting the squat pretty hard. I needed to tone it back a little. Also I am moving my heavy pull night to friday after squats next week to simulate a meet. It worked well for mens nationals. So I didnt pull this night either… will do deficits on tuesday with schlafo and have a 727 on the anello in my maxDL next friday.
So for what I actually did….
Reverse Hypers
45 degree back extensions
Wrap a bunch of weak people
Bridges Abs galore
Sunday 9/29
The parents were in town this weekend. Dont these people know I need to train? They left early enough for me to get to the gym for the end of the session. I warmed up on bench to 429×2 raw which was nice and fast.
Then I put on the bolt. I was determined to touch 716. That didnt happen…. it is a very intense shirt and It needs more than 2 sessions for me to touch.
I ran it back and smoked 738 off a one board. Next week will be better.