Tuesday 10/22
Forgot my knee sleeves and warm pants… what a terrible thing to happen.
Squats – 331x3x3, 407x3x3, 474x4x3
Speed Pulls – 396x6x2
DB presses – sets of 15 up to 100s
BB standing shoulder press – 209 x 3 x 5
45 degree back raises/leg raises x some supersets to finish
Thursday 10/24
Close grip bench – 220x3x6, 264x3x6, 308x3x6
Band Pull aparts – I wanted to keep the back work light so I wouldnt be sore the next day
DB tricep extensions
Tricep rope for days
Early finish to get a good night sleep for monster squats.
Friday 10/25
Squats- Raw warmups 155, 275, 385, 496
TRX on – 606×1
Wrapped up for 716×1, 804×1, 870×1, 914×1
The 914 is my best training squat to date… not because of the weight… but because of the SQUAT.
Then I pulled… hit 606 raw then 672 for 5 singles.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U-nK13D-R4 “Use the tits”
Sunday 10/27
Bench…. 331x4x4
Close grip 2 boards… 440 x 2 x 3
BB rows…. 308 x 4 x 5
Machine Rows, Plate Loaded…. 4×10
DB side lat raises… 30# DBs for lots of reps
JM presses…. 80 kilos for sets of 15
That about wraps things up…. I have one more week of training to get through and I leave for stavanger on Sunday.