Creative Program Design

12/31/2012 Saul Shocket 0

Are you ready to think “outside the box”? Whether due to injury, boredom, or sticking point, allowing some creativity in your program design might yield very satisfying results. Most strength coaches and athletes base their programs around a combo of Olympic lifts and/or powerlifts. After all, the competitive lifts evolved into what we have today because they best represent a balance of strength, power, and athleticism. However, there will be times in your athletic career when Read More

Training Around Powerlifting Injuries While Still Making Progress

12/24/2012 Steven Ritucci Jr. 0

There is no doubt that perhaps a powerlifters’ worst nightmare is a training-inhibiting injury; namely, the type of asymmetrical “bad pain“ that seems to arise at the worst possible time in the training cycle — the part of the cycle where you are seeing the most gains! Some of these injuries include rotator cuff issues, knee problems, and back pain. When these injuries occur, they can ruin the sense of well-being a powerlifter attains from Read More

Sweat it All Out: Cutting Weight for Strength Sports

12/17/2012 Mass-Lift 0

Several sports have weight classes where the athletes compete against other athletes of similar weights. There are two different types of sports that have weight classes; Sports that pit one athlete against another in a combative format such as boxing, mixed martial arts or wrestling, or sports that demonstrate strength or power, such as weightlifting or powerlifting. Regardless of the type of sport, weight classes exist so one athlete does not have an advantage because Read More

Death of Squatting, I Think Not!

12/03/2012 Mass-Lift 0

I attended Mike Boyle’s “Death of Squatting” presentation at the 2nd Annual Boston Hockey Summit and Basketball Symposium at Northeastern University Sunday, May 23, 2010. I come from a powerlifting background and consider myself a student of periodization. I have traveled the country to train with some of the best in powerlifting from Louie Simmons to Mark Bell, but perhaps the most influential person I have meet is Saul Shocket. He has trained some the Read More

Powerlifting Toward Wellness

11/19/2012 Matthew Gary 0

Exercise selection is the foundation of any strength training program. One question I’m frequently asked is, “What exercises do you recommend?” My stock reply is, “Choose a compound movement that targets the muscle groups you want to improve.” A compound movement involves two or more joints in motion simultaneously. Four lower body multi joint exercises are squats, deadlifts, lunges, and step ups. Each exercise requires the use of the hip and knee joints and to Read More

Top 10 Mistakes Novice Lifters Make

11/12/2012 Matthew Gary 0

My wife and I are both active members of the USAPL (USA Powerlifting) as competitors, coaches, and national referees.  Sioux-z (pictured left) was also recently voted to serve on the USAPL Women’s Committee, which is designed to promote, protect, and serve the interests of  women’s powerlifting.  Together we have 27 years of competitive powerlifting experience under our belts.  With experience comes wisdom. Experience and wisdom are far more precious than strength.  In powerlifting, experience and wisdom often Read More

Requisites for Success

08/27/2012 Matthew Gary 0

Success in athletics is easily quantifiable in a myriad of ways including PRs, scores, and winning. Success is neither an accident nor a coincidence. Achieving success is a process and the direct result of a set course of action. It doesn’t just happen. The past three months have been some of the most exhilarating of my entire life. In June 2012, I was as an assistant coach on the USA teams at the inaugural IPF Read More

Upholding the Standard – Part 1

03/23/2012 Matthew Gary 0

There’s a definite line representing winning and losing. Accordingly, one’s performance is either above the line (winning performance) or below the line (losing performance). As Coach Tomlin advocates for the standard, he characterizes performances as being above or below that line. Since 1969 the Pittsburgh Steelers have had three head coaches. This is fewer than any other team in the NFL during that timeframe. The Steelers pride themselves on consistency and stability. These two constants Read More

A Gym Rat’s Guide to the One-Rep Max

09/19/2010 Matthew Gary 0

Show me a person who doesn’t want to be strong and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t get off the couch very often. The ability to move heavy objects and perform physically demanding tasks is just plain cool. When you’re strong, you don’t have to walk around thumping your chest like an idiot, people will stand up and take notice. Since most of us don’t go around lifting cars or chopping down trees with our Read More

Training Specificity for Powerlifters

01/03/2010 Matthew Gary 0

Navigating the tortuous road to athletic achievement requires a comprehensive roadmap. Motivated trainees are constantly searching for the latest protocol that will transport their performance to the next level. They will scour the Internet for the most recent training methodology. Athletes will dive into the pool of printed media including articles, journals, periodicals, and texts in an effort to find the missing link that will take them from novice to elite. Some will even travel Read More

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