2012 USAPL Collegiate Nationals

04/12/2012 Mass-Lift 0

Video (available starting Friday morning) The USAPL Collegiate Nationals is one of the loudest, most competitive meets you will ever encounter. With deep classes and large crowds, teams come from around the nation with one goal: Win the team title! There are only two divisions, the men’s division and the women’s division and IPF scoring rules are enforced. Historically, it has taken a minimum of 57 points to win the title. To achieve this tally, Read More

Mass-Lift.com Featured Lifter- Allison Almeida

03/28/2012 Mass-Lift 0

For her best lifter performance at the Seventh Annual Northeast Regional High School and Collegiate Powerlifting Championships, Allison Almeida is the March Mass-Lift.com Featured Lifter. Ally has been a member of the Northeastern Women’s Powerlifting Team and she was also an important scorer for Team Con-Cret last August in the USAPL Raw Nationals.   Can you tell us a little about yourself? I am 22 years old and grew up about an hour south of Read More

Upholding the Standard – Part 1

03/23/2012 Matthew Gary 0

There’s a definite line representing winning and losing. Accordingly, one’s performance is either above the line (winning performance) or below the line (losing performance). As Coach Tomlin advocates for the standard, he characterizes performances as being above or below that line. Since 1969 the Pittsburgh Steelers have had three head coaches. This is fewer than any other team in the NFL during that timeframe. The Steelers pride themselves on consistency and stability. These two constants Read More

Watch the 2012 Arnold Sports Festival Powerlifting Events via Mass-Lift

03/01/2012 Mass-Lift 0

Watch Massachusetts residents Lian Blyn, Heather Crocker, Luis Jaimes, Ben Schlafman, Michael Zawilinski and Joseph Cappellino lift at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio. All of these lifters will be lifting on Saturday in the Brown’s Gym Pro American. Lian Blyn will also be lifting on Sunday at the Titan Pro Bench Press Invitational. The full schedule is below. Streaming live video by Ustream   Friday, March 02, 2012 NAPF Raw Challenge Powerlifting Championships Read More

Mass-Lift.com Featured Lifter- Brian Phillips

02/07/2012 Mass-Lift 0

For his best lifter performance at the Seventh Annual Northeast Regional High School and Collegiate Powerlifting Championships, Brian Phillips is the February Mass-Lift.com Featured Lifter. Brian is an aspiring young strength coach who wants to be strong and he will further his education in the field this summer at his internship with the University of Southern California Football team.   Can you tell us a little about yourself? My name is Brian Phillips and I Read More

Official Site for the 2012 Norteastern Regional High School and Collegiate Powerlifting Championships

01/12/2012 Mass-Lift 0

Entry Form Click Here Attention we will condense the meet to one day, all lifting will take place on Sunday, January 29th. More Details to come! Meet Director: Mike Zawilinski 781-706-4009 mike@mass-lift.com or mike@ironrevolution.com Event Records(coming soon)   Colleges Represented (as of 1/7) Boston College Bridgewater State Colby Swayer Massachusetts Institute of Technology Northeastern University   High Schools Represented (as of 1/7) Hanson High School Hershey High School (PA) St. John’s High School Xaverian Brothers Read More


01/08/2012 Mass-Lift 0

The Prohibited List is a cornerstone of the World Anti-Doping Code and a key component of harmonization. The List is updated annually following an extensive consultation process facilitated by WADA. The 2012 List is valid from January 1 to December 31, 2012. 2012 Prohibited List (PDF) What is the Prohibited List? The Prohibited List (List) was first published in 1963 under the leadership of the International Olympic Committee. Since 2004, as mandated by the World Read More

The 2012 IPF approved equipment list

01/03/2012 Mass-Lift 0

Updated: 1st of January 2012 Approved supportive equipment: Only costumes, support shirts and wraps from commercial manufacturers officially registered and approved by the Technical Committee shall be permitted for use in Powerlifting Competitions. This applies to all championships and records, from Local to World. Only bars and plates, squat racks, bench racks and benches from commercial manufacturers officially registered and approved by the Technical Committee shall be permitted for use in World, Regional and Continental Read More

Mass-Lift.com Featured Lifter- Eli Burks

01/02/2012 Mass-Lift 0

Mass-Lift is proud to announce Eli Burks as the January Featured Lifter. Although Eli is from Missouri, he is currently in the Northeast working towards his medical degree. Eli lifted Raw in the 2011 Massachusetts/ Rhode Island State Championships. He threw around his mid west strength and hit a few personal records in the process; ultimately his 733lbs deadlift was the heaviest lift of the entire day. Can you tell us a little about yourself?   Read More

Happy Holidays from Mass-Lift and Massachusetts USAPL

12/25/2011 Mass-Lift 0

Massachusetts USA Powerlifting and Mass-Lift wants to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season. Remember and save the date: January 28-29 Northeastern High School and Collegiate Regional Championships March 11 Second Annual Ryan Moore New England Open High School Powerlifting Championships March 11 First Annual New England Pro Bench Press Invitational  

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