2011 Raw Nationals

The 2011 Raw Nationals in Scranton, PA saw 22 lifters with New England ties and one Massachusetts based team. The highlights were Heather Crocker who won Best Female JR/Teen Lifter award and Eric Kupperstein who won both Best Light Weight Lifter and Best Masters Lifter awards. Team Con-Cret won the Women’s Team Championship and came in second in the Men’s and Combined Team Championships.



New England Based Lifters

Name Div(s) Body Wt Wt cls Best Squat Best Bench Best Deadlift Total Pl-Div-Cls Team Wilks Total
Kristi Polizzano F-O 47.7 48 95 60 115 270 1-F-O-48 CON-CRET (PA) 359.24
Kristi Polizzano (T3) F-T3 47.7 48 95 60 115 270 1-F-T3-48 CON-CRET (PA) 359.24
Sarah Cahill F-O 58.5 60 80 60 137.5 278 8-F-O-60 CON-CRET (MA) 315.55
Heather Crocker F-JR 63.5 67.5 115 67.5 170 352.5 1-F-JR-67.5 CON-CRET (MA) 376.33
Amy Welcome F-O 66.2 67.5 112.5 62.5 160 335 4-F-O-67.5 CON-CRET (PA) 346.76
Shaina Petit F-JR 68 75 122.5 85 137.5 345 1-F-JR-75 CON-CRET (MA) 350.28
Allison Almeida F-JR 69.4 75 80 52.5 115 247.5 3-F-JR-75 CON-CRET (MA) 247.70
Eric S. Kupperstein M-O 56 56 175 102.5 250 527.5 1-M-O-56 CON-CRET (MA) 480.18
Eric S. Kupperstein (M1) M-M1b 56 56 175 102.5 250 527.5 1-M-M1b-56 CON-CRET (MA) 480.18
Peter Willette M-JR 59.5 60 127.5 85 155 367.5 3-M-JR-60 NH 315.83
Justin Parent M-O 67 67.5 150 100 182.5 432.5 5-M-O-67.5 CON-CRET (MA) 335.45
Joseph Cassaro M-T3 73.9 75 147.5 97.5 175 420 5-M-T3-75 CON-CRET (MA) 302.40
Michael York M-O 79.1 82.5 205 147.5 260 612.5 7-M-O-82.5 CON-CRET (ME) 421.16
Mathew S. Buttimer M-O 81.7 82.5 182.5 130 240 552.5 12-M-O-82.5 CON-CRET (GA) 372.33
William K Mennell M-O 81.6 82.5 160 107.5 215 482.5 G-M-O-82.5 MA
Lauren Cohen M-O 89.1 90 240 165 270 675 7-M-O-90 CON-CRET (MA) 433.15
Steven Roy M-JR 88.7 90 210 155 242.5 607.5 4-M-JR-90 CT 390.74
Nicholas Lee M-O 84.5 90 207.5 165 217.5 590 24-M-O-90 CON-CRET (ME) 389.75
Lee Keaffer M-T3 85.6 90 185 125 240.5 550.5 1-M-T3-90 CON-CRET (ME) 360.96
John Norcott M-JR 99.9 100 255 167.5 290 712.5 1-M-JR-100 CON-CRET (MA) 426.16
Aaron Boulay M-JR 97.3 100 170 132.5 237.5 540 4-M-JR-100 CT 332.37
Carl LaRovera Jr. M-O 106.7 110 260 170 287.5 717.5 3-M-O-110 CT 426.41
Michael Kalter M-O 107.4 110 230 0 0 0 CON-CRET (ME) 0.00
Joseph Behari Jr. M-M1a 130.2 125+ 245 192.5 250 687.5 1-M-M1a-125+ CT 388.71

Complete Results

About Mass-Lift 84 Articles
The mission of Mass-Lift Powerlifting is to promote drug-free powerlifting competitions, training seminars, and fitness events throughout the country. Overall, our goal is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle that will encourage strength and fitness enthusiasts to compete at local, national and international level.