5 Reasons Why You Should Not Lift in Gear

01/24/2017 Roy Apostle 0

We made it. 2017 is here. A lot happened in 2016 that was pretty impressive. More than a few 1000 lb squats at the World level, several Massachusetts lifters taking medals at Worlds, and membership and interest in meets are through the roof. Many of you though are probably pretty glad 2016 is over. For you all, I would like to share some insight on the never ending debate between Equipped and Raw lifting, something Read More

2017 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code Update

09/30/2016 Mass-Lift 0

September 29, 2016:  The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) published their 2017 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods; along with, the 2017 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes. The List – which designates what substances and methods are prohibited both in- and out-of-competition, and which substances are banned in particular sports – was approved by the Executive Committee on 21 September and comes into force on 1 January 2017. “WADA is pleased to publish the Read More

SSPT Pull-up Program

01/21/2015 Matthew Gary 0

Every human should be able to do one pull-up. If you can’t, you’re either too fat, weak, or both. Pull-up ability is largely a function of strength to bodyweight ratio. This explains why some men can deadlift 700+ pounds while some women are well into the 400s and beyond, but neither is able perform a single pull-up. While deadlifting may be the truest test of total body strength with a barbell, pull-ups demand greater balance Read More

SSPT Training the Deadlift

10/14/2014 Matthew Gary 0

How many times has some curious onlooker at your gym come over to and asked, “So, how much can you lift?” My stock reply is, “I can deadlift 639 pounds.” (see picture to the right). For a powerlifter, the deadlift is the purest test of total body strength. This is true for a myriad of reasons. Firstly, the deadlift recruits and utilizes as many muscles as any other exercise. The only exercise that rivals the Read More

How to Qualify to Represent the USA at International Championships

03/04/2014 Mass-Lift 0

  Do you want to represent our country and the USAPL by competing on a national team? There are eight primary international championships that the USAPL participates in. Here’s everything you need to know about how to qualify, purchase team apparel, and remit all team fees . Your Team Head Coach or Manager will give you instructions on what you need to do as a team member and the deadlines for each team. Team Uniforms Read More

There Is Only One Powerlifting Federation

01/24/2014 Zac Cooper 0

This isn’t an article designed to be inflammatory towards other powerlifting organizations. Everything starts from somewhere, and this subject is no exception. In other sports there are sanctioning organizations outside of those which are internationally recognized. But this article isn’t about other sports; its about powerlifting. This topic has been taken up as a passionate cause by many people across the United States and in many circles it’s the proverbial elephant in the room that Read More

My Very First Powerlifting Meet

11/13/2013 Emily Liebert 0

    You’re scared, a little sweaty and super nervous. That first step out on the platform with all eyes on you can be intimidating. However, you have done the training, you have squatted, benched, and deadlifted hundreds of times. Yet, you feel like you don’t know what to do. Here are some simple guidelines for shaking those nerves and letting your hard work shine through! Pre-Meet: Find out your openers about a week before Read More

Upholding the Standard – Part 2

09/06/2013 Matthew Gary 0

Own your performance and take responsibility for your actions. That was the mandate issued in Upholding the Standard in March 2012 and while the more things change, the more they stay the same. I measure individual powerlifting performances by the number of successful lifts, personal records (PR) achieved, and placing within a weight class and/or age group. I also grade novices or intermediates on technical improvements and becoming more acclimated to the competitive experience. Six Read More

Linear Periodization is Not Your Enemy. . .

05/22/2013 Daniel Jaffe 0

It has become obvious to me over the past couple years of coaching and training that when people hear the words “linear” and “periodization” in concert with one another, they automatically turn-off. I haven’t met a single resistance-trained “athlete” that doesn’t consider themselves well-enough experienced in “the art of the iron-game” (to quote Dr. Randall Strossen) to be beyond this “elementary practice.” I guess I can understand where people can have qualms with this type Read More

A Review of Central Nervous System Fatigue

05/15/2013 Ryan Donahue 0

INTRODUCTION Central Nervous System (CNS) fatigue is a topic so unexplored by the scientists of today that we still do not know the specific mechanism that causes it [1]. CNS fatigue, also referred to as neuromuscular fatigue, is a subjective state in which one feels tired or exhausted and in which the capacity for normal work or activity is reduced [17]. Muscle fatigue, the decline in voluntary force during sustained maximal efforts, is caused by Read More